The Days Are Bright and Full of Pain

Gun and GUNS

Oh, his olive skin, thick dark hair that would be perfect for running my fingers through and excellent forearms… Oh Dean… You gorgeous fictional construct…

Day Three of the “holiday”- I’ve watched all three Indy films and am on to episode fifteen of Supernatural season two. I have paraded around in my underwear and The Shoes and performed a striptease to the audience I have when all alone in my room. Yes I laughed a lot. I am currently listening to The Crystal Ship again and again – the lyrics are kinda lovely – and although I am high on a nothing more exotic than a cheese sandwich I think it’s pretty great.

On that subject, I can confirm that I have finally found myself a proper celebrity crush. Yes, it’s the amusingly named Jensen Ackles who plays Dean Winchester. I have not had such a love in a l-o-n-g time; the last time I felt so for someone who lives on a different continent and does not know of my existence my chosen victim was Owen Wilson. It’s a glorious, breathtaking, proper spazz-worthy celebucrush…

I find Ackles super Teh Hawt but of course it’s the cocky badass character of Dean that gets me… why do I go for them? He makes me giggle like a schoolgirl that you can actually see blush because she hasn’t caked herself with orange foundation…. He makes me itch for tattoos and a back massage. Hell, I get that with real people I can actually set my eyes upon in the flesh rather on a TV screen, but of course as I can’t run my fingers through his hair i get a little crazier. Eeee. Ahem.

I realise i’m a total fangirl when I find myself getting excited looking at new promo pictures that have been released of Dean-o… and then spending forty-five minutes browsing promo pics… Though at the same time I find myself giggling at his godawful Days Of Our Lives hair. And that’s not even the worst look he’s had going on.

Fucking hell- Ackles is thirty years old. That seems so old, but then that judgement is based on the idea I had when I was young that by the age I am at the moment – twenty-seven – I would be settled in a job and in a relationship, with someone to love other than a handmade toy starfish. One year to go ’til the optimum childbearing period starts… heh….

They’ve renewed the show for another season… I can only hope that Jensen is employed for it. What will I do with my holidays otherwise?

BuddyTV – Does Dean Winchester Need To Die?
I say yes. Then come back. As a nice demon.

When eating toast in bed I have found that as well as ending up on my laptop and in my blanket and duvet, crumbs miraculously levitate onto my shoulders. I think this effect is probably new to physics.

Hey, I may be a total fangirl, but at least i’ve managed to avoid heading down town and dropping serious cash money on crap. Well, it is only day three…

I am looking forward to getting the rubber dress out this weekend and spraying myself shiny… eeee….

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